Install applications
You can install two types of applications and software on your device:
• Applications and software specifically intended for your device or compatible with the Symbian operating system. These
software installation files have the extension .sis.
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• J2ME™ applications compatible with the Symbian operating system. The Java application installation file extensions are .jad
or .jar.
Installation files may be transferred to your device from a compatible computer, downloaded during browsing, or sent to you
in a multimedia message, as an e-mail attachment, or with Bluetooth. If you use Nokia PC Suite to transfer a file to your device,
save the file in the C:\nokia\installs folder on your computer.
During the installation, the device checks the integrity of the package to be installed. The device shows information about the
checks being carried out, and you are given options to continue or cancel the installation.
If you install applications that require a network connection, note that the power consumption of your device may increase
when you use these applications.
Tip: When browsing web pages, you can download an installation file and install it immediately. Note, however, that
the connection runs in the background during the installation.
To download and install software from the web, select
Download applications
. Select the application and
To view the details of an installed software package, select the application and
View details
To view the installation log, select
View log
. A list shows what software has been installed and removed, and the
date of the installation or removal. If you encounter problems with the device after installing a software package, use this list
to find out which software package may be the cause of the problem. The information in this list may also help you pinpoint
problems that are caused by software packages that are incompatible with each other.
To remove software, select
. If you remove software, you can only reinstall it by using the original software
package file, or by restoring a full backup that contains the removed software package. If you remove a software package, you
may no longer be able to open files created with that software. If another software package depends on the software package
that you removed, the other software package may stop working. Refer to the documentation of the installed software package
for details.