Nokia E90 Communicator - Fixed dialing

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Fixed dialing

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SIM contacts


Fixed dial contacts


With the fixed dialing service, you can restrict calls from your device to certain phone numbers. Not all SIM cards support the

fixed dialing service. Contact your service provider for more information.
When fixed dialing is activated, calls may be possible to the official emergency number programmed into your device.
1. To restrict calls from your device, select



New SIM contact

and enter the contact name and phone number to the

list of numbers to which calls are allowed, or select

Add from Contacts

to copy the contact from Contacts. To restrict calls by

a country prefix, enter the country prefix in the list of numbers. All phone numbers to which calls are allowed must start with

this country prefix.

2. Select



Activate fixed dialling

. You need your PIN2 code to activate and deactivate fixed dialing or edit your fixed

dialing contacts. Contact your service provider if you do not have the code. To cancel the service, select




fixed dialling


Tip: To send text messages to the SIM contacts while the fixed dialing service is active, you need to add the text message

center number to the fixed dialing list.